Tuesday, March 20, 2007

if Mickie were a BLANK

1. If Mickie were a car, what kind of car would she be?
She’d be a Porsche, because she’s small, elegant, and powerful.

2. If Mickie were an animal, what kind of animal would she be?
I’d say a horse, because she loves them so much. But I personally see her as a bunny rabbit because of the way she bounces and hops down to the ring.

3. If Mickie were a beverage, what kind would she be?
Coffee, because she’s so lively and full of energy like she’s had too much coffee.

4. If Mickie were food, what kind would she be?
She’d be a Twinkie, because she all sweet and sugary.

5. If Mickie were a song, what song would she be?
I’m Just A Girl – No Doubt

6. If Mickie were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Babs Bunny

7. If Mickie were an actress, who would she be?
Sarah Michelle Gellar, because they’re both the same height.

8. If Mickie were a carnival ride, what would she be?
A rollercoaster, because during her Trish stalker phase her emotions were like a rollercoaster ride.

9. If Mickie were a flower, what flower would she be?
A dandelion, because she’s bright, and persistent.

10. If Mickie were an article of clothing, what would she be?
A short skirt, because when I think of her attire I always see her in one of those short skirts she always wears in the ring.

11. If Mickie were a musical instrument, what would she be?
A cello, because her and cello are about the same height, and shaped similar.

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