Monday, November 13, 2006

About Mickie losing her belt to Lita

-Originally written on 8/15/06-

I am kind of sad that Mickie lost her belt. But hey, it’s not like the WWE pays you less for losing a match or a title LOL.

Was it just me or was Mickie and Lita’s match actually a little boring?

Well I don’t mean that I was really bored; it was still the best match of the night, and way more entertaining than the McMahon and DX promo. But I thought Mickie vs. Lita would go down in the record books as one of the best WWE women’s matches of all time. But it was no where near that good.

For some reason, the match seemed like it was moving in slow motion. I mean I really thought for a moment my VCR was playing a little slow- like when the batteries in your Walkman started dying, and in the beginning all you’d notice is the tempo was a little slower.

With the exception of Mickie taking a nice looking bump from the title belt to the head, the bumps from both girls looked ultra weak.

Like I said, the match was still the most entertaining of the night, but it was no where near the quality I had come to expect from these two legendary performers.

But the biggest question is: why in the hell was Mickie fighting Lita last night, and why did they suddenly give the belt to Lita? It makes no sense. I guess I’ll have to tune in next week to find out where WWE is going with this story.

It was interesting that Mickie was really being pushed as the face by JR and King. I think it was funny that they seemed so disgusted at Edge for knocking Mickie’s feet off the ropes as she went for an “illegal” pin.

It’s like “That Edge, he’s despicable. I can’t believe the ordacity of that man- to kick his girlfriend’s opponent’s feet off the ropes when she was going for an illegal cover. How dare he prevent her from cheating. That monster.”

If anyone can make me hate the faces on Raw so bad, it’s JR and The King, especially JR. When someone turns face, they are pushed so hard and rammed down your throat that they are a goodie goodie Eagle Scout that can do no wrong. It’s crammed down your throat so hard it makes you gag. I hope they don’t do that with Mickie.

8/22/06 follow up post.

It sucks that Mickie lost her belt on a Raw, without even a story to build to it.

It also sucks that Mickie doesn't get any rematches and is apparently going to be out for a month- until Trish is gone.

And yes it sucks that they didn't even bother to explain why Mickie, the former women's champ, is going to be out for a month or so.

Personally I think it would have been interesting if they'd have shown a backstage vignette after Mickie lost the belt, and showed Mickie flipping out and having a breakdown. It could've been announced that Mickie had to be taken to the hospital due to her breakdown, where she is in psychiatric care.

This way Mickie could come back as a rehabilitated woman on medication to stabilize her behavior, and now she's a good girl with her head screwed on straight. Then if she ever wanted to do another heel turn, she could go off of her medication, suffer a relapse and we have our dangerous, unpredictable, emotionally unbalanced Mickie back.

If the emotional breakdown was too difficult to think up, than I agree it should have been mentioned that Mickie is out due to a concussion she suffered from the head shot with the title belt.

Considering that the writing staff consists of former soap opera writers, they could have at least said she has amnesia. Then when she comes back she is a phenomenal talent, but doesn't remember any of the evil things she has done, and thus tries to make amends, and then at the very end of her face turn, she turns heel again and apparently either got her memory back, or was faking it the whole time.

So many great potential angles for Mickie James and apparently the writers just don't want to have anything to do with her.

And yes, I am starting to have Mickie withdraws. I'm thinking about going around with a trench coat, approaching people and offering them Alexis Laree DVD's, like a drug dealer.

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