Monday, November 13, 2006

My Perfect Job

-originally written on 10/11/06-

My perfect job.
I finally figured out the career I want to spend my life doing.
I want to be Mickie’s Masseuse.

What job in the world could be better? In this job I’d get to talk to Mickie, I’d get to listen to her tell me about her problems and feelings. I’d be getting paid to touch Mickie’s body all over and give her pleasure. Yes that’s right, I’d be paid to physically pleasure Mickie and feel her gorgeous body.

And if you’re out there Mickie, and you read this message, I just want to let you know that I am pretty good at massages and I wouldn’t charge very much. I’d be willing to follow you wherever you go and I would only ask that you feed me, give me a place to stay, and pay for my travel expenses to follow you around, no other pay is necessary.

What other masseuse would offer that plan?
This is the deal of a life time.

I could even learn to do your hair and give you manicures too.

See how cool it is to have obsessive stalker fans Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I bet Melina doesn’t have fans as cool and dedicated as Mickie fans Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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