Monday, November 13, 2006

My (Pseudo) Third Mickie Dream

-originally written on 10/17/06-

Another Mickie dream
I dreamed that I was that guy who was asking Mickie and Kenny for their autographs at the red light. Kenny grabbed my poster board and started to drive off with my Mickie autograph.

So I started running after the car, and it became like in Terminator 2 when the evil terminator is chasing the car and he can run at like 50 miles an hour.

Anyhow as I am chasing and gaining on them, I use my silver Sharpie like the metal-hook-arm of the terminator and I plunge it into the trunk of the car and hold on.

So there car is dragging me and I am holding on to the Sharpie for deer life and Kenny starts swerving the car from side to side, then he makes this really sharp turn and I go flying off... Without my Sharpie!!!

So I begin chasing the car to get my Sharpie back, and then the Sharpie is shaken loose from the trunk and it rolls across the road where I stand their and pick it up... but it didn't melt into my body. But it was still very much like the Terminator scene.


Ok, so I didn't really have that dream. But I could have! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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