Monday, November 13, 2006

Red Crusade, getting to meet Mickie

-originally written on 8/10/06-

*A forum friend, Red Crusade, on was getting to meet Mickie*

So how is it that you are getting to see her? How long will you get to see her?

I would be too nervous to approach Mickie. I’d be afraid I’d just stand there tongue tied babbling incoherently. Something like this:
“hi! Hi there. Yes, hi. Um, I’m umm… I’m… Uh, it begins with a J. Unimportant. Well not that I’m unimportant, just my name. Your name is Mickie James. I like you. I love you. Can I hug you? No! I shouldn’t have asked, I’m sure there’s like a no touching policy. Can I have your name on a piece a paper and stuff, a signature thingy. Autograph that’s what I mean. Oh and my name is Jesse. Mickie Jesse.. erm.. Jesse James, I mean.. Autograph, can I have your autograph? Have you ever read my comments on your message board? I go there a lot. Gosh you sure are pretty.” Razz

And then Mickie’s Coffee would be standing behind me and be like “Wolfie, Jesse, whatever, dude can you move it along, we want to get an autograph too” and I’d be like “sure, who should I make it out to? Oh you meant you wanted Mickie’s Autograph?” Embarassed

And then security would throw me out and stuff. Yeah, it’s probably better that you’re going and not me.

You know how when you were a kid and you were about to eat something, and your brother would lick it and say “my germ” and then you wouldn’t want to eat it, so he’d get to have it?

If I ever met Mickie I’d probably run up to her, lick her, and tell Kenny “my germ!”
Something tells me I wouldn’t get her though.

So who wants to bet Mickie takes out a restraining order on me before Red Crusade gets an autograph? Laughing

*follow up

*After Red Crusade got Mickie's autograph, I made fun of him for asking her to sign his cigarettes, and made this little comedy skit*

Red Crusade: "Hey Mickie, could you please sign, and thus endorse, my cancer sticks? And could you make that out to Red Crusade? If you used my actual name I'd just forget the autograph was mine."

Mickie James: "To my obsessive cyber pal, Red Crusade- Have a good smoke~ Mickie James"

*next up, a hippy dude*
Hippy: "uhh, hey Mickie. You signed that dude's smokes... cool... would you sign my Bong? Yeah, Thanks."

Mickie: "To Hippyguy, who is too stoned to remember his name, it's always high time with your pal~ Mickie James."

*next up White Wolf*

Wolf: "wow you sign smokes and bongs.. cool. Hey could you sign this?"

Mickie "what is it?"

Wolf: "just sign your name on the dotted line."

Mickie: "This is a marriage contract! I'm not signing this!"

Wolf: "Hey! I paid twenty bucks to get your signature, and I want that signature right here!"

Mickie: "Security!"

Wolf: "Oh God!" Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Exclamation Runs away from an irate Kenny Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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