Monday, November 13, 2006

Trying to win Mickie's heart (my Mickie cheers)

-originally written on 8/21/06-

My Mickie Cheers

I've been trying to figure out why a goddess like Mickie is going to marry.... Kenny.

I think I've figured it out. She likes cheerleaders. Think about it, Trish was once a cheerleader, and she had a massive crush on Trish. Then Mickie has dressed up like a cheerleader for photo shoots more than any other diva. Mickie also loves to come out to the ring all boppy like a cheerleader. Then she decides to marry a male cheerleader.

Apparently she likes cheerleaders.

So in order to win her heart, I am going to become a cheerleader. In fact I am going to school to become a cheerleader. I'm hoping to get my masters in cheer-leading from the same school John Cena got his doctorates degree in Thugganomics.

Now, I just got to come up with some cheers and the right pair of pom poms. And is just one referred to as a "pom"? Or does "pom pom" refer to both?

Any way, here are some of my Mickie cheers.

Mickie Mickie you’re our girl, you’re so hot you shine like a pearl.
Kill that girl in the ring, make it hurt make her sting. Goooo Mickie!! (shakes pom-poms)

Mickie Mickie you’re our babe, kick her ass break her leg. Let’s go Mickie!! (jumps up and down)

Oh Mickie you’re so fine, you win the match every time. Hey Mickie!
Oh Mickie you’re the one, that other girl’s so fat she’s so dumb, smack her around and have some fun. Gooo Mickie! (jumps up and down and shakes pom poms)

Yes Mickie it’s so true, you’re so tough, like a one woman crew.
If anyone gets in the ring with you, they’ll be hurt, they’ll be through. Go Mickie!! (claps)

(dances while singing) Sexy Mickie is a sight, shines like a diamond in the light.
First to the left, then to the right, beat their ass Mickie, fight fight fight.

Oh no, here comes Mickie James. She’s taking numbers she’s taking names. If you’re here to play games, take warning her temper burns like flames. Step in the ring with her, and you’ve got no brains. Beware of Mickie James! (shakes pom poms menacingly)

Psycho Mickie, we love her so. But White Wolf loves you more than you can know. We love how you sparkle, we love how you glow. Now get in the ring and beet that Ho. Come on Mickie, let’s go go go! (shakes pom poms)

Mickie Mickie you’re so hot, that other girl is just a twat.
Beat her down, and twist her into a knot. Break her leg, break her arm. What the heck, you can even break her neck. (clap clap. Shakes pom poms)

Mickie Mickie you’re so great, you’re so sexy, you’re too hot to rate. Don’t go for a three count, hit her so hard the ref could count to eight. Yay Mickie! (jumps up and down)

Hey Mickie, you’re the winner we want to see, pin that hussy one two three. (shakes right pom pom up in the air.)

Hey Mickie, I’m not lying, I’m not foolin’, you’re so hot- you got all the boys droolin’. You’re the girl the boys came to see, you’re the one all the girls wanna be. It’s you we all cheer and praise, come on McMahon, give her a raise. (shakes pom poms and kicks out legs)

Hey hey Mickie don’t you know, you’re the star of the show. We like how you move and the way you flow, hit her high, hit her low, get in the ring and beet that ho. Gooooo Mickie (jumps and shakes pom poms)

You got the look, you got the power. Some times you’re sweet, sometimes you’re sour. But you’re always pretty as a flower. When you’re not on, we’re full of boredom, you should go read your fan forum. We think you’re more than breasts and tail, You’re White Wolf’s Goddess, go send him an email. Yaaaaay Mickie! (jumps up and down ecstatically and shakes pom poms)

Mickie Mickie is it true, that I don’t have a chance with you? I love you now and when you grow old, I think you’re worth your weight in gold, the other divas don’t add up to a penny. But what the hell do you see in Kenny? Sure he can jump high off the ropes, but he’s killing my dreams and hopes. Don’t marry him; marry me. I got pom poms, see see see? (sarcastically shakes a pom pom)

(united fans cheer) Come on folks, clap your hands, let Mickie James hear her fans. Shout it loud, shout it proud, make some noise in the crowd. Mickie marks unite, we’re here to see Mickie fight. So hit the music, hit the spot light, This is gonna be Mickie’s night. We love you Mickie, just because- you’re the best there is, or ever was. Let’s be heard for sure, let Mickie know the fans love her. Say it loud so she can hear, say it with pride and cheer- let Mickie know her fans are here. Say it loud and say it true “Hey Mickie, We Love You!”
(everybody clap and cheer)…. (and shake pom poms if you got ‘em)